Cheri Valentine

With all the changes introduced to visas in the last years, it could be challenging for those looking to enter Saudi Arabia. In this article we will explain everything from what type of visa is required and how to get it approved entering through a port-of entry as opposed to entering without going through some other form such as getting sponsors or guest status with their passport being sufficient while inside KSA borders, but not going beyond their borders.

Saudi Arabia Visa Types

1. Visa for Business/Commercial Use

The most commonly used and most straightforward visa type to Saudi Arabia is the commercial/business visa. This allows an individual, for the benefit of their business or organization in the event that they’ve received an invitation from an individual in the country already-to do business in that market. You can apply online anytime before leaving, provided that you meet certain conditions like having sufficient money at a specific bank that permits funds to be made available upon the request of.

Anyone who wants to bring loved ones to an event need to first check in at the front entrance. Then, they need to wait patiently while the office runs its course. Sometimes , it can take an entire month, while other times it can take three! After all plans have been approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs offices and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs offices, there will be no surprise when you hand out invitations. It will be only joy for a person special to be joining your family.

2. Visit Work

Keep in mind that one of the key advantages of a business visa is to only be paid by your US employer and you will not receive any compensation directly from Saudi hosts. If they believe this is a problem, ensure that their application for visiting worker authorization has been completed. But remember, it’s processing through the same channels as all other applications so you can expect some changes in dealing with Embassy personnel.

3. Government Visa

A government-sponsored program is the easiest and third most sought-after visa. You can apply for this type of permit through meetings with representatives of Saudi Arabian government agencies or their affiliates at the embassy. But, you’ll require less documentation for this type of sponsorship. The approval is usually granted within 1-2 days, and it’s free.

4. Family Visit Visa

A family-friendly visa is very difficult to obtain, since it requires documents to establish your relationship with the person you are visiting. For grandparents visiting you the requirements are birth certificates or marriage certificates. However, it’s much more crucial to establish a connection between you and the customer.

5. Residence Visa

The residence visa is designed for people who would like to reside or relocate to KSA. This type of immigration paper is available only through the Ministry of Interior. It’s directly linked to your Iqama Card, so you will need an employment-based permit. You’ll get an invitation with a yellow color. But, don’t wait too long before you see what they have to tell you. There are important details that you shouldn’t forget about.

6. Work Visa

The process of obtaining a work permit in Saudi Arabia is not an simple task. One of the most complicated visas stipulates that you will be hired by and benefit from your employer, which could only happen if they offer direct hiring only once per year! This means that most you will have to search through several recruiting companies before getting considered for employment with one company.

For more information, click saudi Arabia visa